#58 Platter, form 30, dec.6264, Grünstadt, ca.1930. Green mfr., X6264N; Blind 42 33 M; 30.3 cm Ø. RM2736
Exhibition Checklist by Manufacturer
Annaburger Steingutfabrik AG, Annaburg, Sachsen-Anhalt. Sprtizdekor was in use ca.1928 – ca.1939. The firm had some 600 employees in 1930. Expropriated in 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #19, #31, #48, #115.
Annaburger Steingutfabrik AG, Abteilung Untucht, Magdeburg-Neustadt, Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt). Spritzdekor was in use ca.1930 – after 1935. The firm had some 270 employees in 1930 – 1934. Expropriated after 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #11, #40, #64, #92.
Chr. Carstens KG, Steingutfabrik, Georgenthal, Thüringen. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1929 –1931/32. The firm had some 50 employees in 1932 including Trude Carstens. Expropriated after 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #74, #75, #83, #86, #111, #112.
Chr. Carstens KG, Feinsteingutfabrik, Gräfenroda, Thüringen. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1927 – after 1937. The firm had some 160 employees in 1932 including Erich Krause, designer, 1928 – 1932. Expropriated after 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #1, #2, #10, #12, #84, #85, #90, #114.
Chr. Carstens AG, Steingutfabrik, Hirschau, Bayern. In 1931, Eva Stricker-Zeisel became a freelance designer for the firm. Her forms and Spritzdekor designs were featured in journal ads from 1932 on. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1930 – ca.1937 – 1938. The firm had some 150 employees in 1932 including Eva Stricker Zeisel, 1931 – 1932, and Siegfried Möller, 1923 – 1926. Closed 1955 – 1956. The firm designed and manufactured #6, #67, #68, #120, #130
Chr. Carstens KG, Steingutfabrik, Neuhaldensleben, Sachsen-Anhalt. Spritzdekor was in use 1929 – 1935. The firm had some 500 employees in 1932. Expropriated after 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #125.
Chr. Carstens KG, Steingutfabrik J. Uffrecht & Co., Neuhaldensleben, Sachen-Anhalt. Spritzdekor was in use 1927 – ca. 1932/33; the firm had some 300 employees in 1930 including Siegfried Möller, 1927 – 1929; Martha Carstens, 1931 – 1933. Expropriated after 1945. The firm designed and fabricated #3.
C. & E. Carstens, Inh. Ernst Carstens Erben, Elmshorner Steingutfabrik, Elmshorn, Schelswig-Holstein. Attributing ceramics to this firm has only been possible since 1985. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1930 – ca.1935. The firm is known to have had some 300 employees in 1925. Later employees including Siegfried Möller, 1931 – 1933, Franz Eggert, 1931 – 1933, and Artur Hennig, 1935 – 1936. Closed 1938. The firm designed and manufactured #15, #113, #118
Feinsteinzeugfabrik Julius Paul & Sohn, Bunzlau, Schlesien. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1928 – 1945. The firm had some 120 employees in 1937, including Gustav Baumert, 1926 – 1944, Hertha Baumert, 1932 – 1939, Klara Schmidt, 1925 – 1945, and Liesbeth Scholz, 1926 – 1949. Closed 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #76.
Haël-Werkstätten für künstlerische Keramik G.m.b.H., Marwitz bei Velten, Brandenburg. Margaret Heymann-Marks was the owner and chief designer. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1930. The firm had some 90 employees 1930 – 1932. Factory liquidated and Aryanized in 1933. The firm designed and manufactured #13, #122.
Könitzer Porzellanfabrik Gebr. Metzel, Könitz, Thüringen. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1929 – 1930. The firm had some 280 employees in 1932. Expropriated in 1950. The firm designed and manufactured #78, #79, #80, #107
Max Roesler Feinsteingutfabrik AG, Rodach bei Coburg, Bayern. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1930 – 1931. Buyout 1943. The firm designed and manufactured #5, #23, #52
Max Roesler Feinsteingutfabrik AG, Abteilung Darmstadt, Hessen. Spritzdekor was in use 1929 – 1931. The firm had some 150 employees in 1930, including Wolfgang Kreidl, 1929 – 1931, F. Gustav Partz, and Adolf Behrmann, 1929 – 1931. The firm designed and manufactured #17, #34.
Mitteldeutsche Steingutfabrik AG, Althaldensleben, Sachsen-Anhalt. Spritzdekor was in use from ca.1930 – ca.1938. The firm had some 180 employees 1927 – 1932. Closed, possibly in 1938. The firm designed and manufactured #26
Ostdeutsche Keramik Karl Werner & Co., Tillensdorf bei Bunzlau, Schlesien. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1928 – 1945. The firm had some 30 employees in 1930. Closed 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #77.
Porzellanfabrik, Kahla, Thűringen. The firm designed and manufactured #102.
Porzellanfabrik C.A. Lehmann & Sohn, Kahla, Thüringen. Spritzdekor 1929 – 1930. The firm had some 250 employees in 1930, including Artur Henning, designer, ca. 1930. Closed 1932 – 1933. The firm designed and manufactured #81, #88, #91, #95, #96, #97, #98, #99, #100, #121, #122, #123, #124.
Porzellanmanufaktur Franz Neukichner, Werk Waldershof, Bayern. Sprtizdekor was in use starting about 1930. The firm had some 50 employees in 1926. Closed 1979. The firm designed and manufactured #89, #104, #105, #106.
Reinhold & Co. Bunzlauer Keramische Werkstätten, Bunzlau, Schlesien. Spritzdekor was in use 1926 – 1937. The firm had some 75 employees in 1930. Ownership changed in 1937. The firm designed and manufactured #20.
Schramberger Majolikafabrik G.m.b.H., Schramberg, Baden-Würtemberg. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1930 – ca.1939; the firm had some 300 employees from 1927 – 1934 including Eva Stricker-Zeisel, 1928 – 1930, and Gerhard Wolfram. Closed 1989. The firm designed and manufactured #21, #24, #25, #28, #33, #60, #65, #101.
Staatliche Majolika Manufaktur Karlsruhe AG, Baden-Würtemberg. Sprirtzdekor was in use 1927 – ca.1939. The firm had some150 employees in 1927, including Martha Katzer 1922 – 1942, Max Laeuger, 1921 – 1929, Paul Speck, 1924 – 1933, and Gustav Heinkel, 1923 – 1924. Continues in production. The firm designed and manufactured #18, #108, #109.
Staatliche Porzellanmanufaktur Berlin, Berlin. Continues in production. The firm designed and manufactured #103.
Steingutfabrik Colditz AG, Sachsen. Sprtizdekor was in use from early 1920s – ca.1939. The firm had some 1200 employees in 1927. Expropriated 1948. The firm designed and manufactured #4, #9, #36, #47, #53.
Steingutfabrik Elsterwerda G.m.b.H., Elsterwerda, Sachsen. Spritzdekor was in use 1927 – 1935. The firm had some 400 employees 1925 – 1932, including Ursula Fesca, designer 1928 – 1931, Siegfried Möller, 1929 – 1931, and Erich Krause, painter, 1932 – 1942. Bankruptcy in 2003. The firm designed and manufactured #94.
Steingutfabrik Grünstadt AG, Grünstadt, Pfalz. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1910 – after 1936. The firm had some 170 employees 1925 – 1934. Changed ownership 1935/38. The firm designed and manufactured #8, #27, #29, #30, #35, #38, #39, #43, #44, #45, #58, #59, #61, #72, #117, #119, #126, #127, #128, #129.
Steingutfabrik Sörnewitz AG, Sörnewitz-Meissen, Sachsen. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1930 – ca. 1939. The firm had some 550 employees 1930-1934. Expropriated in 1945. The firm designed and manufactured #22, #57.
Steingutfabrik Staffel G.m.b.H., Staffel, Hessen-Nassau. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1930 – ca.1939. There were some 250 employees 1930 – 1932. Closed 1990. The firm designed and manufactured #46.
Steingutfabrik Theodor Paetsch, Frankfurt an der Oder, Brandenburg. Sprtizdekor was in use ca.1900 – ca.1939. The firm had some 500 employees in 1934. Expropriated in 1953. The firm designed and manufactured #41, #55, #56.
Steingutfabrik Villeroy & Boch, Dresden, Sachsen. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1928 – after 1935. The firm had some 1100 employees in 1934. Expropriated 1948. The firm designed and manufactured #54.
Steingutfabrik Villeroy & Boch, Mettlach, Saarland. Spritzdekor was in use ca.1929 – after 1935. The firm had some 800 employees in 1932. Continues to operate. The firm designed and manufactured #14, #16, #37, #50, #87.
Steingutfabrik Villeroy & Boch, Torgau, Sachsen-Anhalt. Spritzdekor was in use 1926/27 – 1939. The firm had some 950 employees in 1934. Expropriated 1948. The firm designed and manufactured #62, #63, #69, #70.
Thomsberger & Hermann Steingutfabrik AG, Colditz, Sachsen. Spritzdekor was in use early 1920s – ca.1937. The firm had some 400 employees, 1927 – 1930. Closed 1954. The firm designed and manufactured #42, #82, #93, #116.
Tonwarenfabrik Schwandorf, Abteilung Steingutfabrik Schwarzenfeld, Schwarzenfeld, Bayern. Spritzdekor was in use 1928 – after 1935. The firm had some 46 employees 1931 – 1934. Closed 1956. The firm designed and manufactured #110.
Wächtersbacher Steingutfabrik G.m.b.H., Schlierbach bei Wächtersbach, Hessen. Spritzdekor was in use ca. 1905 – ca. 1939; the firm had some 350 employees in 1934 including Ursula Fasca, 1931 – 1939, Anton Günzler, 1928 – 1932, and Franz Eggert, 1934 – 1962. Continues to produce. The firm designed and manufactured #7, #32, #51, #66, #71, #73.
An unidentified firm designed and manufactured #49.